ENP 9.3 Crater Lake: The Legacy of Mount Mazama
12/18/2018In episode 9.3 Bryan talks with Park Ranger Mimi Gorman about how Crater Lake was created by Mount Mazama, what makes it special, mysteries about the lake, the legacy of Mount Mazama and tips for visitors.
Discussion includes the following:
- What is Crater Lake and why is it special (1:13)
- Mount Mazama, how the lake was formed, and underwater volcanic features (2:43)
- How does the water level stay consistent (5:16)
- Gold Prospectors “discovered” the lake (7:19 )
- Crater Lake is not a crater (9:35)
- Evidence of volcanic eruption today, pumice fields and 4 forest zones (10:02)
- How to visit Crater Lake National Park: different modes of transportation (13:24)
- Junior Ranger story (18:14)
- The old man in the lake (19:47)
- Other mysteries of Crater Lake (22:56)
- Mimi’s favorite story (25:10)