Celebrate Junior Ranger Day at Home and in Your Own Backyard
Junior Rangers take their pledge at Yorktown Battlefield
Saturday, April 18th, 2020 is Junior Ranger Day and the first day of National Park Week. Unfortunately, we are under a state home orders due to COVID-19 so this is a different sort of Junior Ranger Day and National Park Week that we will be celebrating from our homes and virtually. In this bonus episode I talk with my two little pink junior rangers about being a junior ranger. #nationalparkweek #findyourpark #FindYourVirtualPark
Junior Ranger Day 2017 at Great Smoky Mountains National Park learning about controlled fires.
Ranger Program at Big Bend National Park
Volunteering at Shenandoah National Park to help save Monarch Butterflies
Discussion includes the following:
- Why they like being a junior ranger
- Fun fact about palm trees
- Fun Fact about roadrunners
- Fun Fact about Javelinas
- Responsibilities of a junior ranger
- Favorite junior ranger activities
- Promo for upcoming episode on Night Skies with Tyler Nordgren
- How to celebrate junior ranger day at home
- Junior Ranger joke
- Clip from Shenandoah Trip Report from March 2017 of kids talking about an astronomy program and volunteering to save monarch butterflies
- National Park Creative Exchange collaboration
National Parks Creative Exchange:
Everybody’s National Parks
Gaze At The National Parks
Parklandia Podcast
America’s National Parks
Our Wander Filled Life
Park Chasers
The Parks Expert
Moon Travel Guide author Becky Lomax
Yosemite National Park
Astronomy Night at Shenandoah National Park
Resources to #FindYourVirtualPark: